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How to Select Niche for Blogging

How to Select Niche for Blogging

How to Choose Blog Niche for Blog

How to Choose Blog Niche for Your Blog Often this question arises in the minds of people who have created their own new blog and website. It is also rude to ask this question. Because the most important step after blog is created, the content written on it and blog post also relies on making money from any blog on its blog niche.
All the bigger bloggers, all of them started their blog with a Topic, and today they are earning lakhs of rupees by typing on a blog niche on their blog.
If you have a website or blog and want to work on it, but it is not able to decide which topic on your blog or website, it is not a matter of grave concern, because after reading this post today, Blog niche for blog and website will help greatly.
The blog niche is very easy to choose but it is very difficult to decide on a blog niche which you get as much traffic as possible. And there is also the fun of posting on a blog when there is traffic to read that post.
If you want to blogging in your entire life, then do not choose your blog niche just by thinking that you get the maximum money. Doing so, you will never choose your blog niche. We also tell you why we are saying this.
If you are thinking that you can earn a lot of money by blogging for 5-6 months or you want to blog and not only for earning money, you will not be able to blogging for a long time. And to make money from blogging, you have to blogging for a long time. Then you get money from blogging.
If you are writing on a topic that only and only writes for the purpose of earning money, then when you do not earn money, you will leave it. Therefore it is very important for you to be interested in any topic you want to write. And when you will be able to work continuously on your blog, one day you and millions of rupees like other blogger have earned from your blog.
Friends, we are going to tell you something that is not only that you can choose your blog niche. Rather it will also help you to find the talent inside you. So let's go ahead and know how to choose Prefect blog niche for your blog.
How to find Prefect Blog Niche
Firstly, select any 5 category for blog and website. You can select the category you want to write daily post as if you have selected a 5 category.
3.Tech news
4. Today offer
5.Latest mobiles
For example we have taken any 5 categories. You can also choose to start your blog according to your interest like this.
After that the category is your selection. Write 3-4 posts in all of them. After writing 3-4 posts in each category, you will find that you like to write on a topic / category. By doing this you will find a category of your choice. That is a great thing to find out your interst.
When you write 3-4 posts in each category on your blog, how many views are coming to you on a post you wrote, how many views have you received at every blog post. And whether they got from the search engine or cheek it from social media.
And with the help of google anayltic also cheek that people are coming to your blog by searching. By doing so, you will find that the post which you wrote was much more read and preferred by the people.
After writing a post in every category, you will know that you are getting traffic from writing on a blog post. On which post you get more traffic, you can continue to post it, and do not get any views on the category, nor do you want to write them, change them according to your interst. This way you can choose your blog niche.
What is SEO?

What is Affiliate Marketing and How To Start It
Hope you understand now how to choose Blog niche if you like our article, then share it and share it with everyone and keep learning.


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